The Brazilian Cultural Centre "Casa do Brasil" is equipped with its own library of Brazilian studies, and it offers excellent material in the fields of international relations, law, philosophy, religion, art and literature. In the near future, films and documentaries, as well as Brazilian music will be offered to the public and to UBB students.
Since its inauguration, the UBB partners who are active in the setting of the Library and the Centre itself have sent around 1000 volumes supply of teaching material aimed at supporting the effort of studying Latin American culture, art, international relations and lilterature.
The Brazilian Cultural Centre "Casa do Brasil" is an organisation established in partnership with:
Prof. Dr. Christiano German Professor visitante do Serviço de Intercâmbio Acadêmico Alemão (DAAD) no "Deutschsprachiges Department für Europastudien" da Universidade Babeş-Bolyai em Cluj Napoca/Klausenburg - Romênia. Áreas de ensino: Relações Internacionais e Sistemas Políticos Comparados Especialização: Estudos Europeus e Latinoaméricanos
Nas terras de Drácula. Núcleo de professores mantém curso regular de português na região da Transilvânia, na Romênia. Por Maria Helena de Nóbrega (Universidade de São Paulo) e Veronica Manole (Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai).